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Find the perfect treatment for you

Making changes, however minor, to your appearance can feel like a big step. But the rewards you get from having treatments from Solent Cosmetic Clinic could be endless. Specialising in aesthetics, we provide dermal fillers, facial line softening and a range of other non-surgical treatments for Gosport and beyond. We take pride in working closely with our clients to help them feel calm and at ease throughout the entire process. 


Before any work is agreed we'll conduct a thorough consultation where we'll work to understand your end goals whilst making you aware of the various options to choose from. We aim to make you feel comfortable, which is why we utilise our medical expertise to explain the procedures and their different pros and cons, so you can make an informed decision for your body. For more information simply get in touch today or read our FAQs.


Payment Plans now available at Solent Cosmetic Clinic with PayPal pay in 3. Simply send us an email via our "Contact" page to start your journey with us today.


Polynucleotides are a new cutting-edge treatment, the product is injected into the skin to restore elasticity and reduce wrinkles which can be used on the face, neck, hair and hands to reduce the signs of ageing.


  • Wrinkle Reduction: Significant decrease in wrinkles and fine lines.

  • Skin Tone Improvement: Restores and enhances natural skin tone.

  •  Elasticity Restoration: Increases skin elasticity for a youthful appearance.

  • Hydration Boost: Addresses dehydration, especially in the delicate periocular area.

  • Minimal Downtime: Quick, non-invasive sessions with lasting results.



DermalFillerTreatment Page

Dermal Fillers

Dermal Fillers are one of the most popular non-surgical cosmetic procedures on the market. They are injected into the skin to give the impression of added volume and reduced appearance of wrinkles. These injections can be used across different parts of your face and body as they are made up of hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance in your body. 


Hyaluronic acid is a molecule that our skin produces. It holds water and keeps moisture levels up within the skin. The environment, age, and other extrinsic factors all effect our hyaluronic acid levels. Furthermore, as we get older, our bodies stop producing elastin and collagen which is the protein that prevents our skin from sagging. Dermal fillers work by increasing the supply of hyaluronic acid to the skin and plumping areas that have changed due to the natural process of ageing, creating the illusion of youth instantly. Fillers are not permanent but can last from 3-9 months, depending on the individual and what product is used.

Anti- Wrinkle Injections

Repetitive facial movements like frowning, smiling and squinting gradually cause lines and wrinkles. Facial line softening treatments can give the appearance of a smoother, more youthful complexion. As well as the face, they can also be administered in other places like your hands. They are one of most popular non surgical cosmetic procedures with an estimated 6 million treatments administered every year. 


It is not a permanent treatment and usually lasts around 3 months depending on the person, results are visible 2 weeks post treatment. 

Radio Frequency Treatment


Radio Frequency Facial is a lifting and tightening treatment. It works by delivery formulations into the skin without traditional injections giving visible results. 


This treatment helps;

  • Smooth, tightened & lifted skin

  • Evens out skin tone & refreshes complexion

  • Greatly reduces fine lines & wrinkles

  • Firms sagging skin

  • Reduces puffiness around the eye area

Micro-Needling Treatment

Micro-Needling & Mesotherapy

Mesotherapy solutions are recommended for anti-ageing, hyperpigmenation and rejuvenation of the skin. They contain a mixture of hydrating, firming, tightening and anti-oxidant ingredients to restore the skin. These solutions are injected into the skin using a micro-needling device. Micro-needling can be used to help with hair growth and other areas of the body that you would like tightening. 


Mesotherapy Cocktails available

  • Scalp Vitality & Hair Growth

  • Anti-Pigmenation & Skin Rejuvenation

  • Skin Rejuvenation & Hydration

  • Lifting & Skin Rejuvenation

Chemica Peels Treatment

Chemical Peels

 Chemical Peels contain a mixture of acids to remove dead skin cells and encouraging new ones to grow. Peels improve the appearance of fine lines and gives the skin a brighter complexion and a more youthful appearance.  


We offer 3 types of peels that target specific areas that you would like achieve results.

Dermaplaning Treatment


Dermaplaning is the method of removing vellus hair also known as peach fuzz from your skin using a blade. Dermaplaning also gets rid of dead skin cells which make your skin look dull. By removing this build up of dead skin you allow your products to penetrate the skin and work more effectively. This treatment leaves you skin glowing and feeling soft. 


Carboxytherapy treatment

Carboxytherapy Facial

Carboxytherapy is a treatment where carbon dioxide is infused into the skin to encourage increased oxygen flow to the skin. Which helps improve skin elastin, tightens and brightens skin and can improve circulation 



Profhilo treatment


Profhilo is a unique hyaluronic acid injectable which treats both face and body. Profhilo contains the highest concentrations of hyaluronic acid on the market and contains  technology that stimulates your skin cells. This treatment hydrates and remodels the skin, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Profhilo also helps restore firmness and improves skin laxity.


Vitamin Boosts

Vitamin Boosts

B12 injections have many benefits. Having B12 injections bypasses the digestive track and allowing 100% absorption into the body’s cells. Here are some of the reasons to consider getting a B12 Vitamin Boost.


  1. Increases your energy levels and helps with fatigue

  2. Improves your metabolism 

  3. Can help with weight loss

  4. Helps improve sleep

  5. Increases concentration and mood

  6. Boosts your immune system

  7. May increase hair growth and help with hair loss

Fat Dissolving Treatment

Fat Dissolving

Fat dissolving injections are several small injections into an area of fat that you wish to be treated, e.g double chin. Here at Solent Cosmetic Clinic we use a product call Aqualyx which is made up from Deoxycholic Acid and can dissolve stubborn areas of fat. When injected into the skin it liquifies fat cells, which is then excreted by the lymphatic system.  This treatment is not suitable for people with renal or lymphatic issues as the body uses these systems to excrete the product and fat. Most people will need 3-6 sessions and to stick to the pre and post care advice for best results, sessions should be done 4-6 weeks apart. 

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